Now that I have a lot more free time on my hands and needing to be distracted from my internal monologue (that's another post for another day), I came up with my own little cleaning schedule. If you're a Pinterest addict like me, you'll have seen one or two of these. They're all different, but basically the idea is that every day you have a small list of things to clean in your house that allows you to cycle through a week or month and keep your house sparking and shiny.
These are great, but the problem I kept coming across was having the schedule not apply to my house. Besides, in a house with only two people, I found a lot of the "daily" tasks a little excessive. We don't need to vacuum every day or take out the trash every day. So I decided to make my own. I'll include my list below, but first I wanted to show you how to do your own. I found a ton of different cleaning schedules, but nothing with a tutorial.